Ilya Ploshchik


Welcome and thanks for vitisiting my DS and ML portfolio.

Here I am gathering the ML and data analytics projects and scripts created during studies and hobby projects
Feel free to use code if found interested

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View the Project on GitHub iploshchik/projects

Datascience and data analytics projects and scripts

Bachelor thesis

MetaStackVis: Visually-Assisted Performance Evaluation of Metamodels in Stacking Ensemble Learning

Stacking, or stacked generalization, is a technique in ensemble learning where multiple base models, or “weak learners,” are trained and combined to form a metamodel with improved predictive power. The ISOVIS research group at LNU has created StackGenVis, a visual analytics system that helps users optimize performance metrics, manage input data, including selecting features, and choose top-performing algorithms. The current version of StackGenVis uses a single Linear Regression metamodel. This work aims to investigate the impact of alternative metamodels on the predictive performance of StackGenVis using provided data and charts for comparison.

Numerai Ensembling

Script used and testing in ML competition, check additional details at

Notebook includes following steps:

Hobby projects

USD/RUB exchange rate and Oil Brent price correlation

Supervised Learning techniques

notebooks created for better material understanding

Unsupervised Learning techniques

notebooks created for better material understanding